There was, is, always this undertow…
Writing this is probably one of the “bravest” things I’ve
done. In this “current”, it can be
difficult to know the rational from the irrational. To discern what’s really
happening from what you think is happening. But wait. Stop. < That. That
whole train of thought is what got you here in the first place.
I found myself in these cycles of blaming myself. Presently less than I used to. In this text, I’m going to use vague
descriptive. It’s better that way…
Imagine it as a sea...an ocean… Thoughts coming and going, like waves.
I sat on my couch and told you about things. You asked me, “
But what did YOU do”?
By this time, my heart had already been so low that even
this statement, even from you, couldn’t touch the “things” I’ve shoved down.
Wave… just drift…2006
Your anger was vile. The lamp broke, the keys hit the wall
and my shock pushed dismay further into my … You left, I sank to my knees, yet
again, and wept.
I still felt.
She rested sweet; nestled on my breast, head on my shoulder.
That rocker would put any one to sleep. This moment. With my first born, these
were our firsts!
I don’t even know why
you were mad. You broke the lamp… my favorite accessory to her nursery.
Something I thought we’d never have because it was expensive. But a special
friend gave it to us. I loved that lamp.
It’s just a lamp.
Man this hurts.
Why is he so mad?
I’ll grab something.. stay put!
You were so sick. Why did you drink so much?
You’re Home. Where have you been? Have you been drinking?
What’s wrong with you?! I’m calling the cops..
I can’t believe you just did that.. all the phones are broken?!
Door handle gone?! I’m so angry. What
are we fighting about again?!… I almost hit you with that stick! OMG! Calm
down, get it together, Grab her,… and go.
OMG.. he’s choking me, with her on my hip!
I can not believe this.
I’m out.
He’s only human.. I shouldn’t have questioned him. I want
this to work.
It’s mothers day, he’s two weeks old. I can not believe I’m
going alone, with my two children.. alone.
…wave, carried back slightly, just before he was born…
I want to die. I should just drink this ..
“One more year.” -He
asked for.
This I’ll never forget.. after all we went through. This is
the moment that my heart became irreparable with you. I bitched back; fighting
for my right to have help. We just moved in. There’s stuff everywhere; these
two kids have needs and I need your help. I demanded you to help. You demanded
sleep. As you went to the back of the
house, I mouthed off at you. It was my fault. In your anger, and sleep
deprivation, you reacted…THIS was the moment I was afraid of you. Not while I looked into your eyes while your
hands were .. Not in any of the other many, many fights.. This moment. This
moment was the one moment I sensed danger. You didn’t… “Hurt” me. I don’t even
really remember what you “did”. Turned
the kitchen table over, maybe? Punch the wall? I don’t know…I think we were all
afraid. Thankfully, they were too young to remember. God, I hope so.
Admitting I’m suicidal.
Admitting this is over.
I can’t fail.
I want to fix this.
..2012, wave.
He’s never going to change and there is nothing I can do
about it.
Float.. on your back, ears under water…
I was so afraid to leave. Panic. Not because of what he
might to do me, but because I felt I wasn’t strong enough to “swim against the
current”. What was the point? He’d wash
over me with promises and we’d try again. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted it
to work.
Reality… I was hollow. Some shell of a person, taking on the
bulk of the responsibility for who was as fault. Or so it felt. The
antidepressants helped. For me, the last 6 months were the best. That moment I
packed... the kids clothes, my clothes, guitar, bible, laptop…closing the back
hatch of my SUV with my youngest to go pick up my pre-k’er to head to….
Is this really happening? Wave, 2013.
…kick back on shore..
REST, let the sun kiss you. 2016>
Listen to the waves.
I'm not sure what to really say right now. I am flooded with emotions. My heart hurts. My eyes burn with tears. I know that you have no idea who I really am nor do I know anything of you. However, I do do know that you are a strong and brave woman that I would like to know.